Public performance The Emerald Sea (online)

Public performance The Emerald Sea (online)

Production House the Storyboat programs the internationally acclaimed storyteller Shonaleigh Cumbers. She travels the world with her stories and is a sought-after teller by international stages. She is from Jewish origin and she is one of the last Drut'sylas, or tradition bearers, in the world.

"Prince Rahab and his Queen must make a sacrifice to save the kingdom, but the prince has been imprisoned by a woman who has been done a terrible wrong, and the queen is on a quest to find him. Not to be missed, it’s a world first!"

Datum en tijd
Woensdag 7 oktober 2020
21:00 t/m 22:00
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Datum en tijd
Woensdag 7 oktober 2020 21:00 t/m 22:00
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